Wednesday, July 29, 2009

New! Event Calendar Added

Sparta Books has added two events to our Tale for One City events calendar! You can find this (interactive) google calendar at the bottom of the page.

Wednesday - August 26th - 7:00pm
"The Glass Castle Book Talk"
Sparta Books will be holding a book discussion on The Glass Castle. Everyone is welcome to join us for an enjoyable talk about this year's Tale of One City title! Whether you have finished the book or you're just starting it, meet up with other members of the community for some light refreshments as we talk about this wonderful book.

Thursday - September 10th - 7:00pm
"Back-To-School Book Talk"
If you enjoyed the August Glass Castle Book Talk, or if you missed it, join us for a Back-To-School summer reading discussion!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Event Suggestions

We are currently negotiating possible events with the Sparta Library and Sparta Books. Details will be posted to this site as soon as they become available.

In the meantime, readers, what kind of events and discussions would you like to see in the community? Please post them here.

If you are a business or organization member who is interested in participating in A Tale For One City by holding a event please email or post your ideas below.

How to Post

If you are new to blog posting you may experience a few problems when trying to reply to this blog. The blog requires you to identify yourself through an online account like a google or AIM.

Below the "Post a Comment" window you will see a "Comment As" drop down menu. Select the account that you have. If you don't have one, you can easily make a google account for this purpose.

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Please be careful. If you write a lengthy reply without realizing that you are going to need to sign into one of these accounts you may lose your post. Please email me at if you need extra help.

UPDATE: You may now post without associating your reply to an online account.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Last week I ran into another teacher at the high school and we struck up a conversation about The Glass Castle. "I can't BELIEVE that mother of hers!" she grumbled. She went on talk about how angry she was at Mrs. Walls. As I listened I wondered if I should not have been angrier at Mrs. Walls.

As I listened to her interpretation of things I realized that we had read the same book yet we hadn't read the same book at all. Who we were influenced what we saw when we read this book. This teacher was a wonderful mother, so to her this was a novel about a neglectful mother. I looked at Mrs. Walls as helpless and saw this as a novel about the nature of the human spirit and the difference between those that make excuses as to why they don't succeed and those who just succeed. But there are events in my childhood that lead me to identify with the children and their relationship with their parents.

So, let this kick off our discussion of the novel. What is this novel about to you? What is it about your experiences and the way you look at the world that makes you see this novel the way you do?